18 days. That's all the time I have left in this community I consider home. My to-do list is long, my must-do list is even longer; it’s a hodgepodge of chores, ideas, activities floating around my head surfacing only when they’re desperately forced to gasp for air. I’m constantly crying. When my coworkers give me a longing look, someone I least expect generously supports my mission, or friends reminisce about a time we shared, tears immediately fall. And if I’m not silently sobbing, my head is in my hands, eyes squeezed tightly shut and I try to pull it together before I have a total meltdown in comprehending these hard goodbyes. Needless to say, I was in an emotional and mental place that required someone to get me moving, someone who knows me to my bones and loves me more than anyone. Luckily my sister is a planner, and was able to take an extended weekend to help order my chaos. . I've always known how lucky I was to have a sister, let alone a sister I consider ...
Just a young woman navigating the way of the world one prayer at a time.