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Year 25

It’s about time I have my quarter life crisis. Oh yes, hello, twenty-five.

I’ve lamented to some generous listeners in my life at how this number is hard for me to swallow.

“You’re so young,” and “It’s just a number” are the most frequent responses. Still, somehow seven year-old Melissa thought she’d have a lot more figured out by the time she was 25.

I should have at least one aspect of life in order, right? (She asks sitting under a heaping pile of laundry as the sixth episode in a row of Gilmore Girls plays on her four year old bug-infested computer and a pot of mac & cheese waits on the stove-top for dinner.)

Fitzpatricks haven’t ever been big birthday people. I looked forward to them when I was younger, but even then I’m pretty sure my birthday excitement peaked at seven (only kidding, it probably lasted into my pre-teens). It’s something I now tolerate because it simply has to happen.

So you can imagine how I was taken aback with one of the best birthday weeks. Ever.

I have never felt more celebrated. Every night was jam packed with different blessings from traditional holiday volunteering to ice cream cake surprises to Advent sing-alongs. I have never eaten so much good food, healthy muffins and all, in consecutive days. But mostly I’ve been floored by the flood of affirming words poured into my heart.

When I turned 24, I vowed to embrace the mantra This Is Me (yes, this was totally stolen and inspired by the song in The Greatest Showman). I was hungry to get comfortable in my own skin, to say yes to things that scared me, and to especially work at getting to know who I was becoming.

So when at the end of this incredibly twisty-turny year, some of my favorite people thoughtfully and carefully explained who I am through their eyes, I was overwhelmed with pure Grace.

It’s with this encouragement I face this next chapter: Year 25.

Patience. Something I wrestle with - in work, relationships, overall purpose - I’ve been tapping my foot, waiting for God’s plan to unfold. He’s seen my calendar (gosh darn it), I’m anticipating and SO ready for what’s next.

Though I let out long sighs and am pulling out my hair in frustration, in my heart I feel this period of waiting and longing for answers is only preparing me for what’s up His sleeve.

So with Saint Monica’s blessed intercession, this year I’m praying for and focusing on the virtue of patience (Dear Lord, help us all).

Also something a little fun: to celebrate this huge number and help me breathe a little deeper into it, I’ve made 25 goals. I’m not going to stress out trying to complete them all (though you better believe I’ll try), but I’m hoping these milestones and somewhat small joys will fill this next year of my life with many rich moments.

Year 25 Goals:
  1. Read or watch 25 classics (book or movie suggestions anyone?) 
  2. Find an organization or cause to regularly volunteer for 
  3. Go and dance at six weddings (as happily as you can) 
  4. Eat out (or get a drink) at a new place once a month (lazy Sunday cafes count) 
  5. Maintain a doable 6-mile running fitness level 
  6. Join (or regularly go to) a yoga studio 
  7. Make a five year plan (what does thirty look like, Mel?) 
  8. Write one blog post a month 
  9. Submit your writing to one publication/website 
  10. Embrace your millennial culture, attempt dating through technology and go on (at least) three dates (did this surprise anyone but me?) 
  11. Declutter goal: get rid of anything you haven’t worn in 2018, that makes you feel icky or doesn’t fit you right. Only invest in staple items that complement your wardrobe (start moving toward a capsule wardrobe?). 
  12. No waste goal: Lenten challenge (more to come on this later) 
  13. Seriously learn how to crochet (produce at least one hat or scarf) 
  14. Bring the high school bangs back (maybe a better version of them) 
  15. Go social media free 4 weeks (in total) throughout the year 
  16. Go to a hand lettering class (preferably free) 
  17. Participate in a tough mudder 
  18. Host a themed dinner party (Katie and Megan, I’ll need your help for this one) 
  19. Solo date: take myself to dinner and a movie (believe it or not I’ve never done this) 
  20. Learn to tie a tie (Marcus and dad, you’ve failed me) 
  21. Pay for a stranger’s coffee 
  22. Road trip to Canada (Niagara Falls and Montreal) 
  23. Go to a self defense class (could this possibly lead to kickboxing?) 
  24. Attend Mass at 5 new churches 
  25.                             ← And a little white space for whatever God has planned. 

Year 25, I’m ready for ya.
Also, I have no other choice.
