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Mighty Meli

I recently returned from an introductory retreat for my upcoming mission to Finca del Nino. And I’m carrying a wave of emotions with me as I settle back into Boston for the last time (the final stretch is here).

Meeting (some of) my community was a blessing as we were able to take a minute to really begin to get to know each other (newsflash: they’re all awesome). Bonds were quickly formed and I’m already looking forward to spending a whole lot more time with them, as the ultimate goal is to sneak my way into each of their hearts.

Aside from the opportunity of meeting my new family (yup, we’re already on that level), I walked away with a more tangible-ness of the finca, the children, and everything else that’s ahead of me this next year and a half. Let me tell you, I’m a jumble of nerves and excitement.

We reflected a lot on the mission and after learning more about the inner workings of “a day in the life of a missionary,” we were asked to explore our own personal call to serve.

So there I sat with my journal open, looking at the river behind the retreat house, pen in hand with the question, “Why do I feel called to serve at the finca?” scrolled across the top of the page.

My mind was blank. Overwhelmed with information about the new life I’d be entering, anxious about catching onto the Spanish language, worried about being enough for the children with my minute experience, I couldn’t help but think what have I gotten myself into?


As I debriefed my retreat experience with a fellow coworker, I told her my concern about being unqualified for the type of work I’ll soon be thrown into. Comparison, my most wicked vice, crept into my heart as I considered my many shortcomings lined up against the many others who’ve embarked on this same mission, and those to come.

Eyes wide, hands reaching for mine she exclaimed with such vigor, “You are mighty, Meli! Own it.”

I covered my face and shook my head. Her voice rang again, “Tu eres fuerte.”


I don’t know why I’ve been called at 25 years old, to uproot my life, sell or donate all my things, and leave everything that’s comfortable to follow Christ to the finca. But I have.

And I’m coming as I am, willing to put in the effort and do my best. I’m coming with an open heart, a plan only to be present, and welcoming of growth.
I’m prepared to pour myself into this mission because wherever I go, God is with me.

Want to join? I can’t do this without you!! Please consider donating to my mission at this link: or reach out if you want to chat and learn how else you can support me!
