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Abiding Within

2020. It's the year 2020. How did that happen? It doesn't even seem like it's plausible that it could even be a real year. Yet here we are still sitting in the chaos of the world. Constantly surrounded by arguments, competition, drama, disrespect, hunger.

Through it all, only one thing remains constant. Jesus. 

My heart is on fire and I feel like I have a clarity I've never felt before. 

I've always known I've lived a blessed life. My childhood was rosy. My teenhood proved formative. College was full of newness and direction. My primero adult years were all about self-discovery. And now, I'm a missionary. 

I wish I could describe the feeling I have inside my soul. 

It's like kayaking on Lago Yojoa (the most beautiful scene painted in front of you: different shades of mountains, water sprawled out from end to end, fishermen and other adventurers scattered about) with your missionary sister, laughing at each other's stories, talking about how cool God is, and anticipating all the life ahead.

I can finally breathe again.

Since returning from retreat I've had a weightlessness about me. I've never felt so confident in the unknown, in the waiting, in my everyday.

It's like I see the world in deeper shades. 

I have less pena about what people think of me. I have perspective in my day to day. I say yes to little moments with the kids or my community that I naturally skirt away from. I'm learning how to reflect and bring moments to prayer as they're happening or immediately afterwards. I'm figuring out how to pray through chores, especially moments of solitude. And I'm grounded in trust of the Lord's plan and not my own. 

God is so good, my friends. Like so so good. 

A little peek into what I've been gifted recently: My young, little friend holding my hand during Rosary after she insisted I sit beside her (even as I was sweaty post-workout). Making a spontaneous pho out of questionable leftovers with my community buddy and forcing everyone try using chopsticks (Chanel, you'd be proud). Enjoying the rain-sun-rain-sun-wind-rain-sun weather we've been having for 3+ days (despite things never smelling quite right or fully drying). Properly celebrating Dona Olimpia on her 70-something-ith birthday with hommeamde pan de banano topped with a candle to make a wish. 

I've been given so many beautiful opportunities to love within the short time we've lived in this year. And I can finally say since my life-upheaval and following this call to Honduras, that I'm fully abiding within. 

Psst. If you're curious, my word of the year is within (kinda funny how that worked out)!  Jesus is inviting me within so many things in this season: within trust (in His plan), within true presence (to where I'm physically at), within myself (some ugly things have been revealed in my heart that I've gotta work through); and really the big one: within His Love. I can't wait to learn how to embody this word and it's many, many meanings!

Also, also! Saint Michael the Archangel is my saint this year (he sorta kept showing up in places so it only made sense) and lemme tell ya, he's definitely been at battle for me. 

Pues, here's to 2020. Living within each and every moment!
